Care and attention a Bangkok
The experience of a group of young people at the Xaverian Missionaries in Bangkok (Thailand), in their House of Angels
By Fabio Ferraro Iusve
On August 27, after getting up in the Bangkok home of the Xaverian fathers, the girls of the group soon arrived to share breakfast, around 7:30 am.
It was a very pleasant morning, I saw the group conscious of the last day of mission, and at the same time fully engrossed in the activity we would be doing.
As if there was an overall strong desire to experience that day and appreciate even a little for the last time the presence of the group, for which most of us made an effort to welcome and accept in order to even take advantage of it in a time of difficulty or to simply share our experiences.
At about 8:00 a.m. we left and after about 45 minutes of van we arrived at the house of the Xaverian sisters where we participated in the mass together with the children/young men/young women who live in that house, called House of Angels, and the care and attention of the sisters.
It was very nice to share a cake celebrating life, eaten and shared for a boy from that home who overcame a severe stroke that almost ripped him away.
With that cake we had a chance to talk with Françine (a Xaverian missionary) who explained a little about her journey and the path of the structure she was running.
In addition to this, there was a wonderful conversation about language, how crucial it is, through her it becomes easier to understand the thinking behind it; about a culture that is completely different from ours, in which the perspective of certain aspects such as the life of a severely ill person becomes different from ours going so far as to alienate us culturally.
It is fascinating to see the impact of this person within this community, and it is great to see how some individuals have the open-mindedness and love necessary to help Françine carry on this lifestyle of dedication. It has been an unforgettable experience.
Then we visited a school: there were about 50 Burmese kids and we decided to keep the group together and play games that would involve everyone. I enjoyed it a lot.
Giovani in uscita – MissionariSaveriani.it
(31 agosto 2024)