Canonization of Blessed Elena Guerra: Here we are!

Here we are at the big day of Blessed Elena Guerra. On Sunday 20 October, Pope Francis, in full apostolic power, by pronouncing the canonization formula, will declare the Apostle of the Holy Spirit a Saint, together with that of other blesseds

“To honor the Holy Trinity, for the exaltation of the Catholic faith and the increase of the Christian faith, with the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul and Ours, after having reflected at length, invoked several times the With divine help and having listened to the opinion of many of Our Brothers in the Episcopate, we declare and define as Saints the Blessed Manuel Ruiz Lopez and companions and Francesco, Abdel, Mooti and Raffaele Massabki, Giuseppe Allamano, Marie-Léonie Paradis and Elena Guerra, and we enroll them in the Register of Saints and we establish that throughout the Church they are devoutly honored among the Saints. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Amen.

This is the solemn formula that Pope Francis will pronounce to sanction the inscription of the Blessed in the register of Saints. A song of joy resonates for the sanctity of this daughter of the Church of Lucca.

The meaning of canonization

The aim of every canonization, as highlighted in the formula, is the praise of the Holy Trinity and the increase of faith. The canonization does not have as its goal the exaltation of the person, but the praise of God, who through the Holy Spirit has worked “great things” in the hearts and lives of these brothers of ours, who have become docile in listening to the will of God. The purpose of canonization is not to place the blessed on an altar.

Blessed Elena Guerra did not need an altar. But if the Church does it it is to give praise to God and to show this Sister to the Christian people as a model of life and mediator of graces. Canonization is a gift to the Church and is an assumption of responsibility by the community, which undertakes to continue the charism of the Saint, making its message of love its own and concretely living it. So it is not we who light a light for the new Saint, but rather Elena Guerra, who with her canonization lights a living flame of faith and love in our hearts. With this glorification of hers, it is she who continues in our days to strike that spark for a fire of love that sets the whole world on fire.

The Holy Spirit, whom she prayed for, invoked, pointed to for the renewal of the earth, was generous with charisms in the life of this Woman. Today, as in the times of the Saint, the Church and all humanity need the light of the Spirit, to be able to dispel the mists of neo-paganism that is increasingly rampant in the world. Monsignor Giuliano Agresti, speaking of Blessed Elena, warned: “If a society loses the primacy of God it cannot survive; sooner or later it will go away.” This is why St. Paul VI said: “The Church needs its perennial Pentecost”. He needs it to renew himself and renew the lives of men.

Grateful for the gift of this canonization, we want to implore the Holy Spirit, with greater strength and the conviction that the Lord will listen to us, not for our merits, but for the sacrifice and prayer of Mother Elena and the new Saints.

Come, Holy Spirit!

Come, Holy Spirit! We shout it out loud, with a trembling voice, aware of our misery. In this agora of the world, where the breath of a universal brotherhood is more easily felt.

“With one heart and soul” we cry: “Come Holy Spirit!”Come! With us the Holy Father Francis, the College of Bishops, the Lucca community and the whole Church invokes you: “Come Holy Spirit!”.

Come, for our sanctification. Come and make Your Bride, the Holy Church, shine. Come and bring reconciliation and peace to a world devastated by war and violence. Come and fill the heart of every man with your love, so that everyone can love as you love. Come, guide us in the path of charity. “Come, Holy Spirit!”.

Come, dispel the hatred that kills the brother. Come and break down the walls that prevent communion. Come, and expire the service that promotes and protects life. Come, and heal the wounds of sin. Come, light of holiness, carry us on the wings of love to the perfection of faith.

Come, hope of the world, renew the face of the earth. Come, for the prayer of Santa Elena Guerra. Come, through the intercession of the glorious Mother of God. Come! Come! Come, Holy Spirit! Amen.


  • Umberto Palagi


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