Acireale, Bishop Raspanti opens Holy Year
In Acireale, Sunday, Dec. 29, Msgr. Antonino Raspanti, bishop of Acireale and president of CESI, opened the Jubilee Holy Year, which according to the Pope’s instructions has the theme “Pilgrims of Hope”
Present at the Eucharistic Concelebration were Cardinal Paolo Romeo, diocesan jubilee referent Fr Roberto Strano, priests, along with students from the diocesan seminary and permanent deacons.
The people of the faithful, gathered in the Basilica of St. Sebastian, experienced the first moment which is that of the collection, that is, the gathering around the bishop, and then the moment called statio.
The rite of the statio emphasized the importance of vigilance and helped to enter into an atmosphere of prayer and communion. In procession, the faithful then made their way to the Cathedral Basilica where the solemn Holy Mass was celebrated.
“The Jubilee is the encounter with Jesus, our hope,” Bishop Raspanti began in his homily and continued, “Jesus speaks to us of the Father, as man and God, dialoguing with Him. This is our hope, the human prayer of Jesus that opens the way to the Father, bringing us to Him as men. The Jubilee is a journey, a pilgrimage of hope. Hope is a long and wise gaze, able to see beyond with the eyes of Christ.”
Coupled with the opening of the Holy Year is also the celebration of the first of the jubilees that will take place in the Acese of Acese: the one dedicated to Families.
In fact, the bishop stressed, “Hope is rooted in the hearts of families because it is the Lord who gives peace and completeness to life. The family of Nazareth was first called to be witnesses and then actresses of an experience never again replicated in history: a family that went beyond the simple earthly dynamic of a woman and a man meeting and building a life together.”
Concludes the prelate, “Joseph and Mary are custodians of unique parenthood. Families are called to walk toward God, guided by the teachings of Jesus in the light of the hope that even in discouragement does not disappoint.”
Bishop Raspanti’s video message
The diocesan program of jubilee celebrations
Source and image
Social Communications Office of the Diocese of Acireale (Fr. Arturo Grasso)