Acireale | Bishop Raspanti celebrates journalists’ jubilee
On January 28, 2025, the “Jubilee of Social Communications and Culture” will be celebrated in Acireale Cathedral
The Diocese of Acireale, in collaboration with Voce dell’Jonio and the Order of Journalists, on the occasion of the festivities in honor of St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of journalists, is celebrating the “Jubilee of Social Communications and Culture”, which will take place in the Cathedral Basilica of Acireale.
The appointment is for Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 5 p.m. in Acireale’s Basilica Ss. Peter and Paul with the Statio, followed then by Holy Mass in the Cathedral at 6 p.m., presided over by Bishop Antonino Raspanti, bishop of Acireale.
Afterwards, at 6:45 p.m., a conference entitled “Communicating the Jubilee 2025, between form and substance of the message in the media” will be held.
The meeting, which will offer journalists the opportunity to acquire 3 (three) formative credit points, aims to address the great event of the Jubilee 2025 through analysis on the theological, media and deontological levels in order to offer essential skills for proper preparation on the subject, from local to national communication.
Opening greetings are given by Don Arturo Grasso, Director of the Social Communications Office of Acireale, and Giuseppe Vecchio, Director of the newspaper “La Voce dell’Jonio.”
The speakers are Don Roberto Strano, diocesan contact person for the Jubilee, and Letizia Franzone, theologian.
The conclusions are by Bishop Antonino Raspanti.
The conference is moderated by journalist Mario Agostino.
A central moment of the event will be the possibility of obtaining plenary indulgence, in accordance with the Jubilee provisions.
Captain Domenico Rana and Commander Vito Polignano of the Acireale Carabinieri Company will be present at the jubilee event.
Don Arturo Grasso, journalist and director UCS diocese of Acireale and CESi, states thus:
“In an age characterized by rapid communications, it is essential that the Jubilee message be conveyed with clarity and depth so that it can reach people’s hearts. Journalism is not just a profession, but a mission. Our commitment, in fact, is to tell the truth of the facts, communicating clearly and living each piece of news as an opportunity for the community to grow.”
Mario Agostino, journalist, press officer of GAL Terre di Aci and director of the Office for the Pastoral Care of Culture of the Diocese of Acireale, concludes:
“Our task as communicators is to be faithful not only to the form but also to the substance of the Gospel message. This event is an opportunity to reflect on how we can improve our ability to communicate the Gospel through contemporary media.”
(Arturo Grasso, director UCS Diocese of Acireale and CESi, Jan. 23, 2025)
Article source and images
- Social Communications Office – Diocese of Acireale and CESi