6. Fr. Luigi Pieretti, among Lucca’s first fd | St. Ines Parish
Continue the story of the missionary life of Fr. Luigi Pieretti, fidei donum of the diocese of Lucca in Brazil
Fr. Luigi flew on multiple Boeings before landing in Rio Branco, and before his arrival he had prayed these words, “In three hours I will be in Rio Branco. I am happy to arrive on the feast of St. Lawrence, deacon and martyr. His example of total service and sacrifice for Jesus and the poor should be a program of life for me.”
But he does not stop there; he goes further. His prayer is, in fact, a flooding river flowing from a heart filled with love
“The Lord who put me on the road of Brazil and the poor will give me the strength to live this service to the last consequences. He himself has promised us his Spirit as a guarantee of success in living the Gospel. Father, who sees every need of your children, at this moment so important for me, I ask you with all my faith, according to the teaching of your Son Jesus, to give me your Holy Spirit so that I may know how to be your humble and faithful servant every day, a priest at the service of your children, a Christian faithful to his vocation. May Mary intercede for me and for all missionaries.”
He then invoked several saints to intercede for him with the Lord “so that he may live as a priest and as a Christian with joy and consistency.” Joy and consistency, two qualities that must not be lacking in his service.
August 12, 1979, is the day he introduced himself to the parish assembly. It is the time to greet people and make himself known. He can make his speech and prepares it the day before:
“Dear brothers and sisters, I am very happy to finally be among you. I have been waiting for this moment for more than a year and now I thank the Lord for granting my wish. First of all, I would like to greet my Bishop of Lucca and my community of Torre del Lago to confirm what has already been said by Fr. Moacir, Fr. Massimo and Fr. Sirio, namely, that many thousands of miles away from here there are many brothers and sisters who are thinking of you, love you and are in solidarity with your problems.”
“I came among you also on their behalf, as a sign of their participation in your life. I am here among you above all to try to live more intensely the Gospel of Jesus and to respond to the One who has called me to this adventure. Jesus calls every Christian, and especially every priest, not to shut themselves up in their own patch of earth, in their own community, in their own family, among their friends, but to feel every human being as a brother and sister. The Lord calls us to witness his Gospel, his word, his hope and his life to the ends of the earth. I thank God that He has given me this opportunity to live for Him, passing through the sacrifice of distance.”
“The third reason for my presence among you is that I want to share the life and journey of the poor. I lived in a part of the world that we can call rich. I had the human privilege of having the possibility of many comforts. I felt that the Gospel was calling me to give not just some alms, but to share life fully with my brothers and sisters who lived without bread, water, home, work or freedom, because I believe that by serving the poor we serve Jesus, by living with the poor we live with Jesus.”
I hope that with your help I will learn to love the Lord more and live the Gospel more consistently. My presence here among you will certainly help my Italian friends to grow in their faith. I also invite you to pray for them, so that together we can all grow in faith and love and become more and more the Body of Christ, the People of God, the Church of the Lord.”
The mass at Santa Ines, which was very lively and well attended, was celebrated at 7:30 a.m. Sunday, together with Fr. João and Fr. Maximus.
The various sectors of the parish, groups and leaders were introduced. His presentation was greeted by great applause and, at the end, many people came up to shake his hand.
From that day, he was a member of that community and their pastor; and at the same time a child of God and the universal Church.